
Welcome to the Central Massachusetts STEM Network (CMSN) Ecosystem Lending Library of STEM Kits!

Our mission is to develop and deliver engaging STEM experiences to grow and nurture low-income and historically underrepresented youth in STEM throughout Central Massachusetts. This lending library is free to CMSN Ecosystem members to help provide STEM opportunities to all.

To become a member of the CMSN Ecosystem and gain access to our Lending Library, please follow these instructions:

1. Visit our website, wp.wpi.edu/cmsn (and scroll to the bottom of that page to join)

2. Register for the Lending Library (see upper right corner of this page)

Once registration is complete, you may browse and reserve any of the STEM kits available!   
Note:  The length of time for loans can be adjusted.

Each time you reserve a kit, please email centralmastemnetwork@gmail.com to adjust and confirm pick up and drop off dates and times.
